What are your three favourite things in your home and why are they special to you?
Roland: From the word go i’ve said I want steel, stone and wood and all these aspects are worth celebrating.
Lucienne: The favourite things in this house is the size, the space, an office to work in and the views!
What’s your top tip for people wanting to build their own Grand Design?
Lucienne: My top tip for anybody wanting to go on Grand Designs is be open minded and happy and embrace it because it’s great fun.
Roland: My top tip would be gather the right people around you because you can not do it by yourself.
Your build is complete now, what’s next? Do you have any new projects lined up?
Roland: The next project is we have to work the vineyard, that's a given because we are about to pop! But we would love to take another 4-5 months cycling in europe.